CALL FOR PAPERS Abstracts and papers must be electronically submitted through the web application at:
Authors are invited to submit applied and theoretical papers in all areas of economics of education for presentation at the Meeting of the Economics of Education Association. There is a limitation of two papers submitted by each author.
Process of Submission
- The deadline for abstract submission is February 1st, 2019. Authors may also submit full papers at this time as well.
- For this first deadline, authors must also select a sub-heading under which they would like to submit their paper for evaluation. Sub-headings are listed below and will be used both in the evaluation process as well as in organizing presentations at the Meeting.
- Authors will then be notified by email of whether their abstract has passed the first round of evaluation for acceptance.
- All authors with accepted abstracts, who have not already done so, must upload a full paper by April 5th, 2019.
- Full papers will then be evaluated by a scientific committee for acceptance to present at the conference and authors will be notified.
- Only accepted papers of registered members will be included in the final program.
Relevant topics are organized in the following areas:
- Track 1: Demand for schooling, educational finance and equity:
- Demand for schooling and school choice
- Equity and inequality
- Education market, competition
- Comparative education
- Intergenerational mobility
- Track 2: Management and educational planning:
- University-business cooperation
- Educational finance and management
- Quality indicators. Rankings
- University Governance
- Third mission
- Entrepreneurship and educational organizations
- Comparative education
- Education policy
- Track 3: Educational production and efficiency:
- Education production
- Efficiency and productivity
- ICT and e-learning
- Determinants of academic performance (educational outcomes)
- School failure and drop out decisions
- Track 4: Education and labour market:
- Labour market and School-to-work transition
- Lifelong education and vocational training
- Education mismatch
- Track 5: Human capital and economic growth:
- Returns to education and economic impact of education
- Human capital, growth and economic development
- Track 6: Miscellaneous:
- Education and gender issues
- Immigration
- Satisfaction. Happiness
Instructions for authors:
- Abstract: No more than 300 words
- Type of file: editable format such as .odt, .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .tex
- File size: No more than 2.5MB
- Maximum length: 20 pages
- Paper size: A-4
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font size: 11pt
- Line spacing: 1.5 spaced
- Margins: Top 3 cm., Bottom 2 cm., Left 3.5 cm., Right 2.5 cm., Header 2 cm., Footer 1.5 cm.
Templates in diferent formats are available for this conference. Select the template that is most suitable for your operating system:
- Word XP 2003: AEDE conference template Word XP 2003
- Word XP 2007: AEDE conference template Word XP 2007
- OpenOffice: AEDE conference template OpenOffice
- RTF: AEDE conference template rtf